Sunday, August 19, 2007


Maybe Yukiko is in LA to check into rehab? She has an alcohol problem…was sexually abused by one of the guards while she was in
camp?...Maybe her concern with cosmetic makeover is an unconcsious attempt to wash away the stain…

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A story about me

When I was in fifth grade, I tried out for a swim team. The try-outs were at a local high school pool. I got on the stand, and when the start buzzer went off
I dived and started swimming my crawl stroke furiously. In about 20 seconds I thought I had reached the other side of the pool. Unfortunately, what had happened was that my right stroke was so much stronger than my left stroke that I had made a U-turn and come back to where I had begun!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I just returned from seeing my shrink. It's that time of year-- gosh, holidays are so Janus-faced, aren't they? You're so happy to have a few days off, to see your family, to eat turkey and drink eggnog-- yet at the same time you dread the feeling that you're obligated to be of good cheer. And all those unspoken questions-- have you met anybody yet? How come you haven't a real job? To make things worse, my birthday is right after Christmas. I'm going to be 52! Incredible. 52, unmarried, living with parents, totally unsure whether my one-year contract will be renewed. I have an Ivy League education, 3 Masters degrees and a Ph.D. "To get a good job, get a good education."


Okay, this is an experiment. I've been thinking alot about memoirs and autobiography-- and have decided that perhaps the best way to approach my life is indirectly. So here's my life, so to speak, but I'm changing the names (including my own) and other identifying markers to protect the innocent. But here are some parameters to begin with. I'm a middle aged Asian American who teaches humanities at a university in Southern California. Call me Tingkun.